Introducing NCEA+ at Marsden
While some schools have opted to forego NCEA Level 1 in favour of their own diplomas, Marsden School has designed a rigorous future-focused learning programme ‘NCEA+’, which combines NCEA Level 1 and innovative courses.
Marsden's rigorous future-focused NCEA+ learning programme at Year 11 combines NCEA Level 1 and innovative courses. Students will be encouraged to take English, Mathematics and Science, and two further options, plus self-select a bespoke course across overarching future-focused themes while still earning credits.
The context for these bespoke courses are chosen from:
• Identity, Belonging and Expression | Whanaungatanga
• Entrepreneurship | Rakahinonga
• Sustainability | Kaitiakitanga
These contexts explore personal, local and global perspectives, preparing our students for the future world of work.
Our innovative course offerings hold structure, come with specialist teacher expertise and support, and successfully equip learners with the 21st-century skills they need to successfully navigate a rapidly changing world, including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, digital fluency and problem-solving.
Across the Level 1 programme, students gain essential time management strategies and study skills. They learn to unpack and follow task instructions and experience examinations for the first time.
In Year 11, our students agree they are ready for a step up to assessment at this stage in their learning and seek an additional challenge. Our senior students tell us they found it motivating to have a goal to work towards in Year 11. NCEA Level 1 is an excellent foundation for the more in-depth study that will follow in Level 2 and beyond.
Our refreshed offering is based on the premise that ‘learning cannot be left to chance’ while ensuring that our students are fully equipped for NCEA Level 2, NCEA Level 3 and the world of future education and work.
Applications for our 2025 NCEA Scholarships close on 22 August 2024. For more information and to apply, click here
Jenny Caldwell
While some schools have opted to forego NCEA Level 1 in favour of their own diplomas, Marsden School has designed a rigorous future-focused learning programme ‘NCEA+’, which combines NCEA Level 1 and innovative courses.
Due to its success, we are excited to announce that Marsden is expanding NCEA+ to Level 2 in 2025, providing even more opportunities for bespoke learning.