Middle School Te Kākano Programme
Te Kākano is the umbrella programme which encompasses a range of key life skills that are designed to help our students transition through Middle School. Identity, self-worth, inclusion, confidence and acceptance are important concepts for adolescents to understand and negotiate. We want to help our students as they move through this stage, growing from a state of dependency to a state of increasing responsibility for self. Te Kākano provides the opportunity for students to discover who they are, what they value and what they can offer.
Te Kākano is embedded within:
- Health classes
- Outdoor Education events
- Ethics think tanks
- Wellbeing sessions
- Student action for service modules
- Student action for sustainability modules
In Year 7 the students will focus on the self in relation to whānau and friends. In Year 8 the aim is to widen their outlook to include both the Marsden and local communities. From Year 9 the focus shifts more broadly to the people and land of Aotearoa, and finally in Year 10, connects the student to the global community. Students will complete a series of modules and participate in a range of Te Kākano activities. Completion of the programme will be recognised with badging and certification at the end of Y10.