Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award
Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award Leader for 2024 is Jane Hazelton – if you have any queries please email Jane at dukeofed@marsden.school.nz.
Please fill out the Permission Agreement below if you wish to participate in the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award Scheme.
About the Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award is a voluntary and non-competitive programme which provides young people with a balanced programme of personal challenges. The award program was instigated by The Duke of Edinburgh in 1963 and has since been adapted to meet the different conditions of various countries around the world – in this case becoming the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award for New Zealand.
The Award operates on three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Achieving an Award recognises that the person has regularly participated in and improved their ability in a non-physical Skill and a Physical Recreation activity, has contributed to their community through regular voluntary Service and has completed an Adventurous Journey. This range of challenges is aimed at assisting personal development and extending personal horizons. The Gold Award also requires a residential week of service and/or learning.
While it is possible to gain an Award at any age between 14 and 25 it is usually more convenient to complete the requirements for these Awards during school years. At that stage, many students are already engaged in learning skills and participating in regular sport or fitness, thus completing award requirements with minimal additional time. After school years many people lose contacts and become even busier, making meeting the requirements that little bit more difficult.
At Marsden we encourage every student in Year 10 to complete their Bronze Award. This places them in a very good position to continue and complete their Gold Award by the end of Year 13. Participating in these Awards provides the opportunity to extend personal and team skills, and raise awareness of and respect for various organisations within our society and aspects of nature. Gaining an award recognises that the student can manage administrative tasks, is reliable, is individually motivated, can work supportively within a team and has both physical and mental endurance. Having an Award can be a valuable addition to any CV, often giving an edge in an employer’s hiring choice.
Full details are available on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award website www.dofehillary.org.nz while an overview and handy hints are included in these pages.
Useful links
Please note that forms and guidelines required for all levels of the award are available on this page. Forms particular to Silver and Gold awards are available on through the Silver and Gold links on this page.
Links to Outdoor Education
- Mountain Safety Council
- Makahika Outdoor Pursuits Levin
- New Zealand Outdoor Pursuits
- Afoot
- Peak Performance Solutions - online training for 'Preparation and Training' part of Silver & Gold Adventurous Journeys.
- The Y