Years 7–10 Curriculum Programmes

Here you will find our Middle School curriculum programmes for viewing online, or downloading a PDF.

2025 Curriculum Overview

The learning environment at Marsden is positive and supportive. There is a culture of pride and every girl is challenged to achieve her personal best. Academic and pastoral staff work together to ensure that the progress of individual students is carefully monitored, that their particular needs are met, and their passions are acknowledged and fostered. Provision is made for gifted and talented students both within the classroom and through external opportunities. Learning support and adapted programmes are also available for students with specific learning needs.

2025 Years 7-8 Programme

Our Year 7-8 day is organised into six subject lessons. You are often taught in your home rooms but also go to specialist rooms, like the gym, the Art House, and Waihanga (technology room) for practical classes. Your teachers are specialists – experts in the subject they are teaching you. Because literacy and numeracy are incredibly important foundation skills, we have English and Mathematics five times a week. Science and Social Sciences have four lessons a week and other subjects like Physical Education and Health, Art, Music, Religious Education, Languages and Technology are regular features of your timetable.

2025 Year 9 Programme

The step up to Year 9 is an opportunity for you to develop your skills as a creative, confident, independent thinker, who can make connections across the curriculum as well as develop depth of understanding in individual subjects. Take your learning beyond the classroom, stretch your thinking and work constructively and collaboratively with your classmates. Teachers will help you incorporate the thinking, habits and skills of Visible WellbeingTM into your everyday learning, to enable you to thrive. We challenge you to be the best you can be.

2025 Year 10 Programme

Learning at Year 10 gives you the opportunities to strengthen your talents, explore new challenges and grow as independent thinkers and learners. You are able to develop areasof strong personal interest while exploring new avenues. Several subjects incorporate individual and project-based learning which strengthen your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Remaining open to learning across the curriculum will build your skills as an adaptable 21st century learner. We challenge you to be the best you can be.