Marsden International Homestay

Welcome to the International Student Homestay information page designed to assist parents and prospective homestay families with your decision to host one of our international students.


Homestay families are carefully selected from within our community and work with Marsden to provide a homestay that offers a safe, supportive physical and emotional environment. The current rate of payment is $450 per week for long-term students. The Marsden Homestay Manager selects and monitors homestay families for international students and works closely with the Director of International Students.


Host Responsibilites

The information below summarises some of the responsibilities involved in hosting a student. Our Homestay Manager will provide detailed information should you wish to proceed.


  1. As a host, you agree to treat the student as a member of the family, including her in all aspects of family life, encouraging her to speak English as much as possible while respecting her different cultural background.

  2. As a host family, you will need to provide a safe and relaxed living environment that includes:
    • three meals a day and access to the kitchen
    • a separate fully furnished bedroom that provides privacy, adequate bedding and heating/ventilation
    • laundry facilities and a bathroom with bath/shower facilities
    • assistance as required with transport to Marsden
    • internet access.

  3. As a host, you would need to inform Marsden in advance of any changes to your living arrangements, such as additional students, changes involving family members or pets, if your home is put up for sale, or there is a change in your occupation or circumstances.

    Marsden takes student health and wellbeing seriously and would need to know about any accident or illness suffered by the student, or a family member that may affect the student, or any unexplained change in the student's behaviour. No health-care decisions (surgical operations etc) are to be made on behalf of the student.

  4. As a host family, you will ensure that the general health, safety and well-being of the student is safe-guarded. This includes safe transportation (full driver's licence), no alcohol or drugs, no harassment or sexual contact of any kind and no borrowing money/valuables from them.


Student Expectations

Students are expected to keep their own area tidy and dry the dishes or set the table. Any international phone call charges/fees are their responsibility. Household internet usage to be agreed on by both parties.

Marsden will provide the host family all relevant information about the student including any health conditions and food preferences. A 24-hour emergency help-line offering support and assistance and access to counselling and healthcare services is available. 


Hosting an International Student

If you have read the above and are interested in becoming a host family, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact our Homestay Manager who will commence the process which includes:


  • reading detailed information about hosting 
  • completing a host application form and returning it to the Homestay Manager, who will arrange a time to visit
  • a visit from the Homestay Manager, who will talk with you about the requirements for hosting a student, assess your home's suitability, complete Police Vet forms for everyone over 18 years of age, and provide you with Marsden's hosting agreement.


Hosting an international student is a rewarding and enriching experience, not only for them but for the host family as well.

Lisa Lee

Homestay Manager
Contact me for more information on Marsden International Homestays