Digital Devices

Students from Year 7 upwards are required to bring their own digital devices for learning. We recommend a laptop or MacBook for Years 7-13, which must be capable of running the Adobe suite of programs. The iCentre has a range of devices that can be issued on a day-to-day basis.


Primary students in Years 3-6 are encouraged bring a device such as a laptop or MacBook to use in class. Please speak with your daughter's teacher if you need further advice. 


For further information and device recommendations, please read our information sheet on Teaching and Learning with BYOD.


PB Tech have education deals available, see link below.
Use BYOD coupon code SMCS20 to get better deals.

2025 Stationery Lists

Please find 2025 Marsden Year 7-13 stationery PDFs for you to download.  (Note downloads may go directly to your download folder.)



If you don't have time to shop in person, you can order your stationery from either OfficeMax or Qizzle by following the links below. They have our 2024 stationery lists.



Primary Stationery

Stationery such as exercise books will be supplied by the school and disbursed to your account. We are careful to keep charges to a minimum.