Emergency Management Plan
Marsden School has developed an Emergency Management Plan so we can respond safely and quickly to a range of circumstances. The safety of students and staff is our primary concern. We have regular evacuation practices in preparation for a response to fire/earthquake and hold emergency lock-down practices during the year.

Marsden uses a range of tools to communicate with our community. In an emergency, we will endeavour to:
- Send an alert via the Marsden SchoolAppsNZ. To receive mobile alerts go to on App store/ Google Play Store and search for SchoolAppsNZ (snApp mobile)
- Send an eTXT to the phone number we have listed in our School Management System for parents/caregivers. To this end, please ensure your contact details are up to date with the school. To check or change your details, email enrol@marsden.school.nz
- Post on Marsden's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarsdenNZ/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/samuelmarsdenschool/
- Add notices to the front of our website https://marsden.school.nz
- Record a message on main school phone 04 476 8707
- If applicable, parents should listen to Civil Defence emergency updates (Radio New Zealand National is the designated Civil Defence lifeline utility radio broadcaster for all regions of New Zealand.) Wellington Radio New Zealand Frequencies: National AM 567 National FM 101.3 National - Hutt Valley/Eastern Bays 101.7 https://www.radionz.co.nz/emergency
- In the event of regional emergencies some local radio stations including Newstalk ZB, Classic Hits, More FM and Radio Live may carry civil defence advice.
Please be aware that in the event of a traumatic incident, communications can be disrupted. If you do not hear from us it may mean that we have been unable to contact families by the above methods. In this case we would keep all students on the school grounds under the supervision of staff. The school has built up supplies of food, water, first aid materials, and other equipment for this purpose. The school will act on the instructions of Civil Defence and Police.
Students would not be released from school until we are confident it is safe for them to go home. Only caregivers or those people specifically named as emergency contacts will be able to collect students from school. This applies to ALL students from Preschool to Year 13.
During a lockdown, we ask parents/caregivers not to come to the school until the lockdown has been lifted. Students will not be released until Police have advised the school it is safe to do so.
We strongly encourage our families to make an emergency plan, everyone in your family should know where to meet up in the event of an emergency during school hours, and who will pick up students from the school.
Emergency Contact Details
If you would like to check the name and details of the person you named as your emergency contact, please phone Leigh McCathie 476 8792 ext 831 or by email to leigh.mccathie@marsden.school.nz.
If you have any questions please contact us on 476 8707.