Farewell to Margaret Adeane
After 17 years of leading Marsden's academic programme, it is with mixed emotions that we said farewell to our Academic Director, Margaret Adeane at Scholars' Assembly this week. Margaret is synonymous with academia here and has had an immeasurable impact on the learning outcomes and subsequent successes of students, of whom she is incredibly proud.

Head Girl Caroline Jones spoke of the high regard students past and present have for Ms Adeane before presenting her with the school korowai, a mantle of honour.

There was a heartfelt tribute from our Pasifika students who adorned her with 'ei (necklace) and 'ei katu (head wreath).

Marg gave a valedictory speech, acknowledging the massive impact that teaching has made in her life and the special memories she has of all the students she has taught over the years. She finished with a quote from one of her favourite writers and our most illustrious old girl - Katherine Mansfield.

In the afternoon staff, friends and family held a 'special prizegiving' for Marg, a joyous celebration of respect and camaraderie. On behalf of MOGA, Marg was made an honorary Old Girl by President, Pam McConchie. We know you will all join in congratulating Marg and acknowledging her exceptional contribution to education throughout her stellar career.
We will miss you Marg!