Marsden Principal joins Palm Sunday procession
It is a year of many 'Marsden firsts' for new Principal Paula Wells as she joined with Primary and Preschool students in a Palm Sunday procession behind Jack the donkey. With all the COVID disruption and restrictions, it has been three years since we celebrated Palm Sunday in this particular way, so our tamariki were very excited!
Palm Sunday occurs the week before Easter and recalls the time Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, crowds welcoming Him, waving palm branches and cheering “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (praise) in the highest heaven”.
With Marsden's Chaplain Sarah King leading Jack the donkey, students and staff paraded around the courtyard outside the chapel, waving their handmade palms and chanting “Make way, make way for Christ the King in splendour arrives!” Then Sarah read the gospel.

Marsden Chaplain, Sarah King reads the Gospel
"On Palm Sunday Jesus was hailed as a King, son of God, and someone who would rescue the people from Roman occupation. By Thursday, Jesus’ disciples gathered to celebrate the Passover meal and that night Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Good Friday was the day Jesus was crucified, then on Easter Sunday we celebrate– rejoicing in the new life of Jesus’ resurrection and the new life that Christians share through Him. That’s the reason for the chocolate eggs, a symbol of new life, a ‘sweet’ new life. The celebration of Easter day doesn’t make sense without the recollection of the whole story" says Chaplain, Sarah King.

After the parade students enjoyed the petting zoo, brushing Jack the donkey and getting to know the other farm animals brought in by Farmyard Parties.