Year 13 students inducted
Today Marsden inducted our Year 13 students as leaders in the school. In a livestreamed assembly Principal Paula Wells presented the Class of 2022 saying they are "strong, resourceful, kind, creative and talented beyond measure. Leaders who understand and accept their responsibilities for the good of all."

In her speech Paula explored the concept of servant leadership using the analogy of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. She said "When one says yes to leadership, one should be humbled by the honour bestowed upon them and the fact that they hold the respect of their peers in being selected. One should remember that in order to successfully lead, one should remain mindful of the responsibility to serve. Many aspire to leadership and might have had that aspiration to a leadership position for some time. Whilst one should feel proud and privileged at the honour of being chosen, becoming a leader extends well beyond the affixing of a badge to a blazer."
We learnt that this year’s Year 13s have determined that their leadership will be remembered for the positive relationships they have formed with all students, lived out through the demonstration of genuine care and kindness for others. They wish to nurture an inclusive environment where the gifts and talents of every individual are valued and treasured, thereby creating a deepened sense of belonging and connectedness. They want to seek the opinions of others and to give credence to that voice. They want to be leaders who are remembered for doing what they say they are going to do. They have pledged to be consistent in approach and reliable, whilst at the same time demonstrating creativity, and bravery in trying new things.

Head Girl Shenaya encouraged everyone to love family and be grateful for the opportunities they have received. She said as leaders they needed to embrace change, adapt and persevere as a team, and ... "Be the Change".
Congratulations Year 13, your legacy awaits you, manu rere au.