All things Kiwiana
Primary students had a very enjoyable Term 3 looking into all things 'Kiwiana'. Their inquiry focused on items and icons from New Zealand's heritage. The "quirky things that contribute to a sense of who we are".
![IMG_0138-buzzy bee puzzle-4web.jpg](/media/3701/img_0138-buzzy-bee-puzzle-4web.jpg)
Year 5 and 6 students started their inquiry with a provocation day, using provided examples to stimulate a discussion on what they knew about iconic New Zealand items. They then went on to create some amazing and unique games using what they had learnt.
![IMG_0580-kiwiana puzzles-4web.jpg](/media/3702/img_0580-kiwiana-puzzles-4web.jpg)
Year 1 students had a scrumptious time making New Zealand's second most favourite flavour ice cream, Hokey Pokey. The girls wondered "how do the hokey pokey bits get into the ice cream?" so they wrote to Tiptop asking them for answers. Conducting their own investigation they made hokey pokey (honeycomb toffee). Then they whipped up some vanilla ice cream and added the hokey pokey to it! All agreed the result was delicious!
![IMG_6551 and IMG_6557-4web.jpg](/media/3703/img_6551-and-img_6557-4web.jpg)
The celebration day at the end of the term was fabulous. There was lamb petting, gumboot throwing, rugby ball passing and a Jaffa rolling competition down the school driveway. Year 5 and 6 girls loved playing the games they had created.
![IMG_0703-gumboot throwing-4web.jpg](/media/3704/img_0703-gumboot-throwing-4web.jpg)
![IMG_2233-patting lamb-4web.jpg](/media/3705/img_2233-patting-lamb-4web.jpg)
In the afternoon, Year 1 and 2 delighted us with their fantastic Kiwiana play.
What a successful day of celebration and a great term of learning.