Read what our students and their parents have to say about their Arrowsmith journeys.


"We think so highly of Lizzie and Mary who run the Arrowsmith programme at Marsden. They create a warm and supportive environment which our girls thrive in. Lizzie and Mary work in genuine partnership with parents and students which means our girls can excel. The Clocks programme is brilliant for teaching kids to tell time in analogue clocks and to deepen analytical thinking, and we've found the Word and Tracing programme really helps to boost reading skills. Most importantly, our girls are well supported in what are challenging exercises and they always look forward to their Arrowsmith sessions. 


We enrolled our eldest in the Arrowsmith programme because we wanted to give her the best chance in life, and Arrowsmith sounded almost like magic in that it could improve anyone's skill sets. We saw first hand what practically the exercises comprise during the covid lockdown weeks, and were impressed. If you can strengthen your cognitive functions, why wouldn't you sign up? That was and continues to be our attitude."


Cathy and Matt Phillips - 2024




"Arrowsmith is a supportive environment where your success is recognised. It is a programme for everyone as we all need to work on our cognitive pathways. For me, I noticed my maths, reading and writing improved while in the programme and after finishing. I have become more confident with my learning, more focused and able to complete my work on my own. My grades have improved and I was awarded the Fisher Cup for academic improvement in Year 11."


Sophie Keene, Year 13 Arrowsmith student - 2024




“In plays we do at school, I can remember the lines more easily because of the Arrowsmith exercise called Phrases. The Word and Tracing exercises have helped me with my spelling and writing”. 


Abigail, Year 6 Arrowsmith student - 2024




"Arrowsmith has truly transformed my daughter's life. Trin attended the program from Year 6 to Year 10, and the impact on her cognitive abilities has been remarkable. Previously, she struggled with reading and writing, but now she excels in these areas. She's thriving at university, effortlessly completing lengthy written assignments and absorbing vast amounts of research material. Her grades reflect her newfound confidence and competence.


The journey wasn't easy; there were moments of frustration and tears. However, the hard work and dedication have paid off handsomely.


I am immensely grateful to Lizzie and Mary for unlocking new opportunities and possibilities in Trin's life."


Disee Anorpong - May 2024




"My daughter Olivia has recently turned 21 and this milestone birthday is an opportunity to reflect on her journey.  During her college years at Marsden, a difficult but carefully considered decision was made, to withdraw Olivia from the traditional curriculum, in favour of the Arrowsmith Program.  Olivia became a full time Arrowsmith student for 3.5 years, this turned out to be the most positive and life changing experience for her. 


We put our trust into the program, and into Lizzie and Mary, the very special Arrowsmith teachers.  Lizzie constructed a timetable to include Olivia attending Numeracy and Literacy at her level, in mainstream Marsden classes.  Eventually Olivia wanted to also attend art and photography classes, Lizzie was very accommodating and flexible, all decisions were made with Olivia’s best interests at the forefront.  One of my initial concerns was “would Olivia still be able to achieve NCEA subjects alongside Arrowsmith?” it turns out that concern was unnecessary, as Olivia was awarded Excellence in NCEA level 3 photography, and her work toured NZ as part of the Top Art Exhibition, two outstanding achievements.


Lizzie has created a classroom that is warm and welcoming, a very positive place to be!  She sets each student up with clear, achievable goals, and personalised rewards are in place to help motivate.  Lizzie is fully invested in helping each student achieve their very best outcome, her positive energy and open communication are what makes the system work for all involved.


It would be hard to list the countless ways in which Arrowsmith changed Olivia’s life, essentially it helped her grow, it helped her learn how to learn, and we believe changed her ability to function independently.   She learnt critical life skills, she gained inner confidence, and developed social skills, and overall Olivia became a happier person, a priceless outcome.


Olivia has gone on to complete a Degree in Creativity, majoring in Photography and Digital Design.  She is exhibiting her work at the NZ Art Show, a great honour to be selected for this!  She has confidently worked in customer service roles during her time at University, she drives and has a happy social life.  Arrowsmith has fundamentally shaped Olivia and her bright future, we are forever grateful.


Sonya Boulieris - May 2024




"Our daughter Carley recently graduated Arrowsmith after two years of being on the programme. The positive impact of Arrowsmith has been incredible. Carley has gone from struggling to understand what was required of her in class and largely avoiding completing school work because she found it so hard, to being engaged in her learning, self-motivated and achieving success across her subjects. An unexpected bonus is that Carley’s enhanced cognitive processing has flowed through into her football, in being better able to read the game and to know where to position herself.


As Carley has progressed through Arrowsmith, her confidence has also grown beyond measure, both academically and socially.  The Arrowsmith programme has undoubtedly changed Carley’s future – both enabling her to achieve at a higher level, and to now believe that she is capable of whatever she sets her mind to.


I can’t recommend the programme highly enough – both the programme itself and the stunning care and support that the Arrowsmith teachers, Lizzie and Mary, provide. I will be forever grateful."


Shelley Brunskill-Matson - May 2024

Elizabeth Coyle

Arrowsmith Program® Cognitive Trainer
(04) 476 8707
Contact me to learn more about the Arrowsmith Program